A Project Owner is a registered organization that owns one or more GHG projects or is authorized by another entity (the project Legal Owner), to have overall control and responsibility for GHG project activity. The authorization is formally carried out through the Letter of Authorization or Nomination.

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    Role of Project Owner in Project Registration

    The Project Owner should submit Project Submission Form to GCC for registration and ensure that the entire project submission, project verification, and assessment cycle is followed from initial submission to request for registration.

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    Role of Project Owner in Project Implementation

    The Project Owner should ensure that project activity is implemented in the way that was described in the registered Project Submission Form and follows all requirements related to monitoring and reporting.

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    Role of Project Owner in ACCs Issuance

    The Project Owner should prepare a monitoring report and subject it to verification by a GCC-registered verifier and finally submit a request for the issuance of approved carbon credits (ACCs) to GCC.

Carbon credits issued to the Project Owner may be traded at the voluntary or compliance carbon market.