GCC develops methodologies and tools for quantification of climate action at project (including bundle of projects) level according to the GCC Workplan. The methodologies and tools ensure environmental integrity by combining GHG emission reduction/removal and sustainable development impact. Some of the recent key initiatives include:


Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

Inspired by nature, Nature-based Solutions (NBS) provide cost-effective climate change mitigation and environmental, social, and economic benefits. They benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a range of ecosystem services beyond carbon accumulation. Under the scope of NBS, GCC focuses on AFOLU projects which do not involve any clearing, altering of hydrological conditions or conversion of native ecosystems.

The GCC Program prepares for opening for registration AFOLU projects when market conditions allow for enhanced feasibility of them.

“Under the scope of NBS, GCC focuses on AFOLU projects (GHG Sectoral Scopes 14 and 15) performing activities as follows:

  • Afforestation, reforestation, and forest restoration (ARFR),
  • Improved forest management (IFM),
  • Agroforestry (AF),
  • Urban forestry (UF),
  • Revegetation (RV),
  • Agricultural Land Management (ALM),
  • Wetland/Mangrove restoration (WR/MR).

Activities mentioned above shall not include clearing, altering of hydrological conditions or conversion of native ecosystems performed with a purpose to achieve GHG removal.


The following methods of long-term storage of the carbon stocks achieved by GHG removal projects are eligible under the GCC Program:

  • Ecosystem carbon pools,
  • Long-lasting products:
    • Timber in construction,
    • Biochar applied to soils,
    • Other bio-based products.

AFOLU projects submitted for registration with the GCC Program need to apply GCC AFOLU approved methodology/ies. The methodologies may refer to CDM Afforestation and Reforestation Tools.

Carbon credits issued for all GCC AFOLU-registered projects are permanent.

The permanence of credits issued for GCC AFOLU-registered projects is ensured by a mechanism capable of restoring all credits that were issued based on increments in carbon stocks that were verified in the past, but are affected by a carbon reversal event. The mechanism implements a single GCC AFOLU-pooled buffer-account, fed by carbon credits discounted from requests for issuance submitted by all GCC AFOLU registered projects.”

Carbon Capture (CC)

Carbon Capture (CC)

CC is recognized as a key, proven technology in reducing greenhouse gas emissions around the world. CC can be applied to a variety of areas including energy generation, oil and gas industries, cement, and other infrastructure projects.

Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Bioenergy and Carbon Capture and Storage (BEECS) are one of the very few limited carbon negative mitigation options and will help in combating climate change.

GCC is in the process of developing the first methodology for accounting of carbon emissions reduction projects using CC technology.

Once completed, it will help all innovative efforts in CC to get carbon finance for their projects and thus promote all carbon mitigation projects in the area.

Grid Connected Battery Storage Solution

Grid Connected Battery Storage Solution

Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage solutions (BESS) is an upcoming area of GHG mitigation. It can be applied to the Renewable Energy (RE) generators and thus increase the delivery of RE power into the regional grid. The BESS can be applied at the grid-level as well which helps in improving grid stability and thus lowers emission intensity by integrating more renewable energy. GCC has already updated a methodology for application of BESS at RE projects and is currently working on a methodology involving grid connected BESS.