GCC Registry
The GCC Carbon Registry follows operational procedures related to the management of projects and Approved Carbon Credits (ACCs) throughout the entire lifecycle of them. The registry allows listing, issuance, transfer, and cancellation of ACCs and maintains environmental integrity by preventing double counting and double issuance, while ensuring complete transparency. Project Owners, Project Supporters, and carbon credit buyers may open their accounts at the registry.
To open an account in the GCC Carbon Registry and become an Account Holder, a stakeholder shall submit an online application form for opening account; comply with the requisite Know-Your-Customer (KYC) checks; and pay the applicable one-time GCC Registry Account Opening Fee and the Annual Registry Account Maintenance Fee.
The GCC Carbon Registry presents data on all Account Holders, Projects registered under the GCC, Issuances of ACCs, Holdings and Retired ACCs (including information on purpose for which the credits were retired).
Exchanges are centralized marketplaces enabling spot trading of carbon credits (including GCC-Approved Carbon Credits – ACCs) for compliance or voluntary purposes. They offer the highest transparency in terms of supply/demand and price of emissions reduction units. GCC has signed MoUs with the following exchanges Xpansiv CBL and the Egyptian Exchange (EGX).