GCC maintains an impartial position in the voluntary carbon market.
The Advisory Board provides strategic guidance and direction to the GCC Program.
The Steering Committee considers requests for registration of GHG projects and requests for issuance of carbon credit credits (ACCs).
The Regulatory Committee considers draft new and revised GCC standards, baseline and monitoring methodologies and guidelines, as well as all documents related to processes, rules & requirements applicable to GCC stakeholders.
The GCC Operations Team is responsible for the assessment of submitted project documents with respect to their completeness, preparation of draft recommendations on approval or rejection of Requests for Registration of projects and Requests for Issuance of Approved Carbon Credits (ACCs) and overseeing the Verifiers accredited under the Program. The Operations Team performs its functions in the operation of the mechanism in accordance with applicable rules, modalities and procedures.
The GCC Verifiers provide third-party independent external verification of documents submitted to GCC.
The GCC Carbon Registry supports the entire spectrum of carbon market transactions including credit issuance, transfers, and retirements, enabling a seamless and efficient process for carbon market participants. The registry is designed to be a potential end-to-end solution for countries and nations willing to host their Article 6.2 credits.