Public consultations enhance GCC’s decision making process with inputs from all stakeholders. Public inputs allow collection of diverse views allowing for greater objectivity in setting standards, registering of projects and certification of carbon credits.

Call for Public Inputs on GCC Methodologies

As per GCC Program Processes Document:

Draft GCC methodologies shall be made available on the GCC website for public consultation for a period of 15 calendar days, after which the GCC Operations Team shall revise the methodology considering received public inputs.

Public stakeholders are invited to provide their views and comments on the baseline and monitoring methodologies listed in the following table in accordance with the GCC Program Processes document.

Public comments shall be taken into account while developing a recommendation for Regulatory Committee of GCC.

Please provide the comments in the GCC document commenting sheet format and send to Global Carbon Council via email:

Call for Public Inputs on GCC 1.0 Regulatory Document

Draft new and draft revised GCC regulatory documents are made publicly available on the GCC website for Global Stakeholder Consultation for 30 calendar days to allow for comments from stakeholders.

Public stakeholders are invited to provide their views and comments on the GCC Regulatory documents listed in the following table in accordance GCC Program Processes document

Public comments shall be taken into account by GCC Regulatory Committee in their considerations and taking the final decision on the documents.

Please provide the comments using relevant commenting sheet and send to Global Carbon Council via email:

Call for Public Inputs on GCC 2.0 Regulatory Document

Draft new and draft revised GCC 2.0 regulatory documents are made publicly available on the GCC website for Global Stakeholder Consultation for 15 calendar days to allow for comments from stakeholders.

Public stakeholders are invited to provide their views and comments on the GCC 2.0 Regulatory documents listed in the following table in accordance GCC Program Processes document

Public comments shall be taken into account by GCC Regulatory Committee in their considerations and taking the final decision on the documents.

Please provide the comments using the relevant commenting sheet and send to Global Carbon Council via email:

Call for inputs for Global Stakeholder Consultation on GCC Projects

Global Stakeholder Consultation

As per GCC Program Processes Document:

  • Once a project is deemed submitted, the GCC Operations Team shall make it publicly available on the GCC website for Global Stakeholder Consultation for 15 calendar days and shall invite comments from stakeholders.
  • During Global Stakeholder Consultations, input is invited from stakeholders globally. For Type A projects, inputs can address any technical, social, environmental, SDG, economic, regulatory or policy aspect(s) of a project. For Type B1 projects, inputs shall be limited to concerns about environmental, social and SDG aspects of a project.

In accordance with the above requirements, public stakeholders’ comments are invited on GCC projects.

Detailed information on projects submitted to the GCC is available at the GCC Project Portal.

Public comments shall be taken into account by GCC Verifiers in their Project Verification and also by GCC Operations Team and GCC Steering Committee in taking final decision on the project.

Please provide the comments in the Project commenting sheet format and send to Global Carbon Council via email:

Call for inputs for Global Stakeholder Consultation on GCC Projects

Global Stakeholder Consultation

Call for inputs for Global Stakeholder Consultation on GCC Projects

Global Stakeholder Consultation