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Sectoral specialists join GCC Roster of Experts

GCC over past few months has received hundreds of GHG reduction projects for registration and issuance of carbon credits from 40 countries around the world. To meet the new demand of project evaluation and to benefit from diversified skills, knowledge and experience of global experts, in July 2022 GCC had invited expression of interest from experts around the world. In response to the request for Expression of Interest, the program has received many applications from international experts who have diverse sectoral experiences in assessing GHG reduction projects from various GHG programs including CDM. Subsequently, GCC has selected multiple experts and placed them in GCC “Roster of Experts”.

Experts accepted for the “Roster of Experts” will be required to evaluate the following towards their compliance with GCC rules and requirements:

  • Project submissions.
  • Submissions of requests for registration (RFR).
  • Requests for issuance (RFI) of approved emission reductions (ACCs)
  • Post registration changes (PRC).

The experts will be assigned work on a case-by-case basis and will work under the guidance and supervision of GCC officers.

On 17th and 18th August, GCC organized workshops to orient and align the selected experts with the GCC program rules and requirements. In the future, the experts required for GCC standard development may be selected from this pool of experts.

The GCC Program facilitates organizations, including state and non-state stakeholders towards ambitious climate action in line with global efforts to limit global warming.